SPECviewperf 13
SPECviewperf 13 measures the 3D graphics performance of systems running under the OpenGL and Direct X application programming interfaces. We have now broken down our SPECviewperf graphs into separate categories for ease of viewing performance results.

In the first chart for SPECviewperf, we find the ZOTAC RTX 3090 Trinity performance is generally good, NVIDIA is significantly ahead in most benchmarks here. It is also worthy to note that Quadro class GPUs are still the way to go in some cases.
Charting everything on the same graphic became too busy. Where that distinction would have been lost. Hopefully, this helps a bit with making the charts more readable.
Let us move on and start our new tests with rendering-related benchmarks.
Really bugs me that these things are getting wider, wider, and wider. As if taking up two slots wasn’t bad enough–now it won’t even fit into two? I mean seriously, who’s got THREE slots to spare in a case these days? And “2.5” isn’t any better than “3” as it’s still going to block two otherwise usable slots.
William, what dataset do you use for the Caffe tests, and what are the image dimensions? Thanks!
Estás placas vêem com defeito de fábrica. Não duram um ano. São poços resistente, a umidade e não o desempenho tão bom assim.