Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Review


Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Test Fitting

Something that we have found on these 10″ racks is that 10″ feels more like a goal rather than a hard standard like it is on the 19″ racks.

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Not Fitting 2
Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Not Fitting 2

We used the MikroTik CSS318-16G-2S+IN as our half-width test switch because it seems like the MikroTik folks pushed the dimensions to their limits.

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Not Fitting
Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Not Fitting

We simply de-tensioned the screws keeping the front posts secure, and the switch fit:

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Fitting
Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack MikroTik CSS318 Fitting

When we say there are tight tolerances around that switch, this is what we mean. Luckily, with this rack, the adjustments are expected. That can also be useful if you have devices that need a little extra room for cables and connectors either in the front or rear.

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Power Consumption and Noise

It may seem strange to have a power consumption and noise section for a 10″ rack, but here we are. The fan, that allegedly would not be included, used about 20W.

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Fan Power Consumption
Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Fan Power Consumption

20W is significant if you are using this as a low-power rack. The fan certainly does move air, so we will give it that, but the other side is noise. Even closed up, we were at over 50dba. Opening the sides and front made that number increase. This is too loud to have next to one’s desk if the fan is active.

Final Words

What a roller coaster of a rack. On the one hand, quality is a bit scary. The reviews on Amazon sound frightening at times, and great in others. Our experience was that we received a fan that we should not have. We were missing one shelf side that we should have received. The front label was peeling. Even little things like there was an Allen wrench included yet we could not find anything to use it on. We also had three sets of keys for a single rack.

Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Internal Open
Kenuco SOHO Mini 10in Rack Internal Open

Taking the alternative side, for $129 it worked. The fan can alternatively not be used and STH readers can probably find alternatives that are quieter. Having locks, albeit with different keys, can be a bonus, and some may actually want different locks. The unit looks relatively sharp compared to some of the others we have used. For $129, this was not a clear winner, and while the quality in the context of the others we have used is “OK” we would advise anyone looking to purchase this to expect some quirks to what it comes with.

Where to Buy

We purchased ours on Amazon. Here is the Amazon Affiliate link to what we purchased.


  1. It’s not just the box’s fan but the equipment inside that makes noise.

    That box is in no way soundproof or suitable for home/office use. Most suitable soundproof racks are 20 – 30 times more expensive. An attractive furniture-like appearance is a quick way to spot these units, as are casters.

    One that is only 10x the price is SysRack’s: 12U 35″ Depth Under Desk Sound Proof Server Cabinet SP 12.900, but a few hours searching might turn up something better; nothing under U$500 is likely to be suitable, and expect to pay that much in addition for shipping in state.

  2. I don’t agree that fan noise isn’t an issue. There are plenty of low power and low noise devices. If you’ve got a rack at under 100W it won’t need to be loud and expensive

  3. A couple of things:

    1. Not only noise, I’d consider 230/110V mains connected fan a health hazard, especially when it’s connected to metal chassis despite there being proper grounding.

    2. I have a similar 10″ rack from another manufacturer and there’s nylon washers for door hinges, maybe they are missing?

    3. Mikrotik has several “200mm” devices and OEM rack ears for 10″ (RMK-2/10), but if you look closely the installation gets a bit tricky as 200mm ain’t exactly 200mm.

    Some recent releases:

    CSS318-16G-2S+IN: 218mm (sold as “10 inch product”)
    CSS610-8G-2S+IN: 200mm
    CRS310-1G-5S-4S+IN: 200mm

    I hope they could be more consistent in the future.

  4. Isn’t 10″ rack 222.25mm width? I just read that in the article today. 218mm should fit, but they’re only leaving 4.25mm which isn’t a lot.

  5. One thing that has always bugged me about these racks (and carried over in to the 10″ one here) is how much wasted space there is on the left and right of each device. Given that cooling is typically front-to-back, I’m surprised nobody has come up with a design that reduces the amount of space on the left and right sides, allowing an extra rack or two in an aisle, or in the case of this one, a smaller footprint on or under a desk.


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