Intel Core i9-10980XE Review 18 Cores of Pure Intel


Intel Core i9-10980XE AIDA64 CPU Benchmarks

Benchmark pages of AIDA64 Extreme provide several methods to measure system performance. These benchmarks are synthetic, so their results show only the theoretical (maximum) performance of the system.

CPU and FPU benchmarks of AIDA64 Extreme are built on the multi-threaded AIDA64 Benchmark Engine that supports up to 1280 simultaneous processing threads. It also supports multi-processor, multi-core and SMT (Hyper-Threading) enabled systems. More information about these benchmarks can be found here.

Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU Queen
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU Queen
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU PhotoWorxx
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU PhotoWorxx
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU ZLib
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU ZLib
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU AES
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU AES
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU SHA3
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU SHA3
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU Julia
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU Julia
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU Mandel
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU Mandel
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU SinJulia
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 CPU FPU SinJulia
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 FP32 Ray Trace
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 FP32 Ray Trace
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 FP64 Ray Trace
Intel Core I9 10980XE AIDA64 FP64 Ray Trace

Overall, these are great results for the Core i9-10980XE. We are not going to spend too much time pondering each individual result. We simply wanted to show some performance data. Again, we are not adding Ryzen 9 3950X results here because that solution has half the memory channels and less PCIe expansion capabilities which makes it hard to consider a competitor unless you solely need inexpensive cores.

Next, we are going to look at our Linux benchmark results.


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